Get More Clients – Focus Your Marketing Message on the BENEFITS & END RESULTS

Get More Clients – Focus Your Marketing Message on the BENEFITS & END RESULTS

Marketing BenefitsHere is a little secret about marketing:

People do not really care about what you sell.

They do not care about your services. They do not care about your products. They do not care about your job title…..

 The only thing they really care about is what you can do for them.

The reality is: people buy your services or products – not because they want the product / service, but because they want the benefits or end results of what your services and products can do for them.

Let’s look at a few quick examples:

  • People do not buy a hammer because they want a hammer; they buy a hammer because they want to make furniture.

The same goes for the following:

  • People do not want a drill; they buy a drill because they want a hole in the wall to hang a picture.
  • People do not want a plane ticket; they buy a plane ticket because they want to get to their destination quickly to enjoy a relaxing holiday.
  • People do not want coaching; they want a more effective and profitable business or a happier life.
  • People do not want admin support; they really want more time to focus on the things that really matter in their business.

Thus, your services or products are just “the means to an end”. It is the vehicle that will get your clients to what they really want.

When you understand this concept, it can change your marketing forever.

When preparing your marketing, it is important to focus your message on the REAL benefits or  end result that your clients will experience.  (A real benefit is what the client will gain by working with you or using your products.)


 This Concept in Practice

Here is an example (that I could relate to 🙂 ) of how a company implemented this exact concept into their marketing. Please note, that I’m not a big fan of infomercials, as I don’t think their products particularly work. But we can learn a lot from infomercials when it comes to developing a marketing message. This example shows how they’ve created a marketing message that focuses on the benefits of using their product.

While you watch this video, see if you can

  1. Recognize the problem and the desired end result
  2. Identify all the benefits they mention
  3. Notice the before and after state



From the video the obvious problem is a partner that is snoring and the wife getting frustrated because she cannot sleep. So the desired end result is for him to stop snoring and for her to get a good night’s sleep again.

The company developed a marketing message to provide the solution, and they focus throughout the commercial on the benefits of their product in giving the women the end result she wants.

  •  They first address the major objections and tell the couple this product is comfortable and easy to use and gives instant results (which by the way are also benefits).
  • They highlight the fact that the product was cleared by the FDA and designed by dentists (some features of the product) so that it is safe to use and effective (benefits).
  • In the end, they stress, you’ll wake up feeling rested and refreshed and on top of it you’ll be in each other’s arms again (end result / benefits).


From start to end their marketing message focuses on the end results and they weave all the benefits of their product into this message….and if you have a partner that snores, you might be interested in this.

So, what I want you to take away from this article is this:

To get more clients, your marketing message should be loaded with benefits and focus on the end result of what your clients get when they work with you.

 Here’s a take away assignment:

  • Extract all the benefits from your services and products
  • String these benefits together in a powerful message that will address the needs of your target audience
  • Convey the ultimate END results of what your clients will get when they work with you or buy your products.

Constructing a marketing message this way will result in clients taking notice and then eagerly raise their hands to start working with you.

To Your Success






Clients Make Buying Decisions Based On EMOTIONS

Clients Make Buying Decisions Based On EMOTIONS

shoppingDid you know that according to the latest findings in neuroscience about 80% of buying decisions are based on emotion; and only 20% are based on logic.

Scientist found that decisions are primarily controlled by the limbic system in our brains which is responsible for emotions and behaviour in people.

This is quite interesting, because if science tells us emotions are important for making decisions, then emotions will play a role when people decide if they should work with you or buy your products.

In marketing terms this means that if you want more clients and if you want your marketing message to be effective, it’s absolutely crucial to incorporate emotions into it.

Emotions do not mean you need to make people cry, but you do want them to feel something – you want your marketing to evoke some sort of emotion or reaction within your audience: make them laugh; get them to nod their head; have them agree with what you say, get them to want what you offer….

For me, these emotions are often rooted in something that I call the Know-Like-Trust factor. It starts where people get to KNOW you… or know about you. Then it moves to where they start to LIKE you… and eventually this emotion evolves into trust where they TRUST that what you offer will make a difference in their lives.

Just think about your own personal life: When do you buy something? It’s mostly when you feel there is something in it for you. Right? When it just feels right; when you like it; when you trust that when you buy a product or a service you will benefit from it in some way…and that is how it is for most people.

One company that truly understands how emotions impact on buying decisions is Apple and the i-brand. And to practically demonstrate how this works, I want to show you two videos where Apple masterfully incorporates emotion into their brand. While you watch these videos, evaluate your own emotions – see what you feel and if you agree with what they say.



“ This is it. This is what matters. The experience of a product. How it makes someone feel. Will it make life better? Does it deserve to exist? We spend a lot of time on a few great things until every idea we touch enhances each life it touches.”

The above video is only a few sentences, but even if you are not a fan of the Apple brand, you will surely agree with what they say in this video, because that is the essence of good business – ensuring that what you do is making a difference in the lives of your clients.

Although the above video has nothing for sale, Apple does a great job at humanizing their message to touch on the emotions of their potential clients. If you agree and believe in the same things they believe in, it automatically strengthens the KLT factor and makes your buying decisions easier.

Here is another short Apple commercial to see how they brilliantly incorporate emotion into their marketing to sell their actual products.



Wasn’t that beautifully done? They use real life situations and emotions we all can relate to. And because we can relate to that, it creates a level of desire. If you like gadgets and cool features, you’ll think: I want that. I want to connect with my friends and family through Facetime. It’s so easy. Perhaps I should get an iPhone… and even if you are not into cool features or into the Apple brand, this commercial will hit a cord or two with you too – just because it is great to be connected to people and to share experiences instantly.

Now, although Apple is a huge company and has lots of marketing guru’s that can prepare their ads, you and I can do the same,

So, what I want you to take away from this article is this:

Be constantly aware that emotions play a big role in how your potential clients perceive your services and products, and it plays a role in their buying decisions.

Think about: How can you incorporate emotion into your own marketing message? How can you get your clients to want to get rid of the pain they currently experience? Or how can you get them to agree with what you offer and create a level of desire for your services / products?

To Your Success







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You Need A Target Market – It’s Your “Own” Slice of the Pie

You Need A Target Market – It’s Your “Own” Slice of the Pie

pieOne of the first things I usually ask a new client is: “Who is your target market?”

When they do not have one or their target market is not very well defined, we actively work on it until they know whom it is they want to work with.

So, what is a target market and do you really need to have one?


What is a target market?

Let me explain it with an analogy.

Let’s say that all the people in the world who might be able to work with you or who could find your services of value can be compared with a pie. All these people are however not your target market because they are just too diverse and different.

Your target market will be a smaller slice of this pie – it will typically be people who has similar characteristics; who you can easily identify; those people who you can help best with what you offer; who you will enjoy working with and who will pay your price without kibbling about it.

So you target market are those people who will most likely make use of your services or buy your products.


Do you need a target market?

In my opinion, YES. You need a target market and here is why:

Identifying a target market makes your marketing much, much easier.


  • Gives you the opportunity to work with people of your choice and to get to know them really well so that you can position your business to give them exactly what they need;
  • Allows you to create a marketing message that is much more specific to your audience and which they will understand and respond to;
  • Prevents the risk of diluting all your efforts by trying to meet every need of every client in every field. When you know the specific needs of your market, you can tailor your message and services to focus on solutions to those needs;
  • Helps you generate more quality leads;
  • Makes converting prospects into clients much easier;
  • Helps increase the loyalty of your existing customers;
  • Inspires people to spread the word about your business and what it is you do;
  • Allows you to gain a competitive edge in the marketplace;
  • Positions you as an expert or preferred supplier within your industry;
  • Makes raising your rates easier – when you establish yourself as an expert with specific services that are in demand, your expertise is more valuable to clients and therefore you can charge more;
  • Saves on marketing expenses since you concentrate on clients who will most likely make use of your services.

The key to targeting an audience is to be very specific – to identify a market that you’ll enjoy working with and who’ll receive massive value from working with you.

I truly believe that your ability to target and then connect with a specific audience can mean the difference between struggling and thriving as a service entrepreneur.

What do you think?




WHY? A Small Word With A Big Impact

WHY? A Small Word With A Big Impact

I can still remember the time when my daughter was about 3 or 4 years old and constantly asked me “why” on every single conversation (or sentence) I said. It drove me nuts.

whyToday she is a teenager and is still starting her sentences with the word “Why”: Why do I have to do that? Why can’t I go? Why does it have to be like this? Why can’t it be like that? And the answers these days are not so straight forward anymore. Sometimes I really need to delve deep and think about it to be able to give good, satisfactory answers. But I found that the best answers (with the least amount of resistance) are those deeply rooted in our values, faith and the things we as a family belief.

Perhaps it is psychological manifestation or the power of a habit, or something – but her inquiring attitude and questioning the things we do are rubbing off  on me as I’m starting to ask the same type of “Why” questions about my business as well. Why am I doing this? Why does it matter? Why do I care? Why should other people care about it? And the answers are scary, surprising and eye-opening.

You see, mostly when we start out in business, we know WHAT we want to do – I want to help people get more clients; I want to be an engineer, a doctor, a web-designer, a virtual assistant, a life coach.

Then as time goes on, we get a pretty good idea HOW to do it and we can even get successful at doing it.

But, do you know that very few people really know WHY they do the things they do.

E.g. very few people REALLY know why they started their business in the first place; Or why they want to start a business; Why they deliver specific services; Why they sell specific products; Why they spend so much time developing things.  For many it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

So the question I want to ask today is:


Do you know WHY you do what you do?

…and not just the obvious season – “to make more money”. But the real, deeper reason of WHY you do what you do.

I realized that knowing the answer to this WHY  question is truly invaluable – especially in business – because it gives you a strong sense of purpose and helps you to clarify if you are making the right decisions. By understanding what’s on the line for you, you will care more about the end result than the steps that will get you there.

And a funny thing usually happens. Once you focus and get clear on the “why” of doing things, the “how to do it” often just falls into place or becomes much easier.

This happens because when your why is a strong enough reason, you are motivated to take the action to do it. And when you start taking that very first action step, opportunities will open up and you will enjoy taking on each challenge along the way.

Just think about it:  Will it be easier to do something and overcome the challenges when it is important to you or when you know it will make a positive impact in your life and the lives of those you are in contact with? You bet it will.


So, I want to give you a challenge today..

Next time you want to do something big OR even when you set your goals for this year, reverse the process.

Don’t start with the “HOW to do it”.

Start with the “WHY you want to do it”.

  1. Do some soul searching and get down to the bottom of the reasons. You’ll be amazed at how it suddenly gives you a sense of purpose and a truckload of motivation to push through and actually achieve those things you set out to do – even if you don’t know exactly how.
  2. Then just take the first step. That will lead you on the path where the plan and the process just suddenly appear or become clearer and clearer with every step you take.

I’m going to do it from now on. Will you join me?

Let me know in the comment box below and then go out and make this year a purpose-driven, exceptional year!


Because you deserve it! 🙂



5 Reasons Why Women Entrepreneurs Start Their Own Businesses

5 Reasons Why Women Entrepreneurs Start Their Own Businesses

womenentrepreneursDid you know?

More than 126 million women entrepreneurs were starting or running new businesses in 67 economies in 2012, according to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2012 Women’s Report.

This is a crazy number.

So why are an increasing numbers of women branching out into their own businesses?

OR if we can ask that question differently…

If you are an entrepreneur: Why did YOU start your business in the first place?

And if you are thinking about becoming an entrepreneur: Why do you want to be self-employed in future?

 I asked these two questions in a previous workshop and it resulted into a healthy discussion as the women talked about their reasons for taking up entrepreneurship.

Although many reasons surfaced, here are the top 5 reasons why those ladies are in business for themselves. Can you relate to any of these?


1. Freedom and independence

This was one of the top reasons why they started their own businesses. Becoming an entrepreneur empowers you to make your own decisions. It gives you the freedom to set your own rules, goals, objectives and working hours to fit your lifestyle and needs. You have the freedom to work on your own terms and to decide which projects or clients to take and which you can do without. You have the freedom to grow your business as big as you want or to keep it small and comfortable.


2.  Follow A Passion

Many started a business because it gives you the ability to follow a dream and do something that you’re really passionate about. This passion can furthermore motivate you to continue with your business, even when you hit some uphill stretches. The following question was however raised: “Can all passions be converted in a profitable business?” Well, I believe you have a great chance to financially succeed if you focus on how your passion is going to help other people. In other words, how you can serve people with your passion and really bring value to the world


3.  Income

Many women start their own business because they want to (or need to) contribute to the family income.  Being able to contribute financially is seen as an important emotional factor that can lift a women’s self-esteem as you are not entirely depended on your husband’s income. For many it also reduces the feeling of guilt when spending money on yourself as you can now use your own money to do so.


4.  Family

The corporate rat race took its toll on many women in the group and impacted on their family life. This was another big reason why especially moms wanted to leave their full-time jobs and start their own businesses. The mere fact that you are home and can take a moment to help the kids with homework or pause to get a hug from a loved one made it all worthwhile.


5.  Contribution

Women by nature are loving, caring and enjoy helping others. Therefore, they often start a business where they can contribute and improve the lives of others – whether it is via delivering a specific service or selling specific products. For them it is more about the satisfaction of making a positive contribution and playing a role in the success and lives of others.


Naturally, we all have different motivations and reasons for starting a business. So whether your reasons are the same or not– it doesn’t matter, because we are individuals with unique circumstances.

What matters however, is that you know why you are in business, because this knowledge can motivate you to keep going when you reach some uphill struggles or obstacles in your path.

To Your Success



PS: Get in on the discussion. We’d love to hear from you! Tell us in the comment box below why you started your business. What other reasons can you add to this list?





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Getting Clients Is Like Dating – 6 Steps To “Tying The Knot”.

Getting Clients Is Like Dating – 6 Steps To “Tying The Knot”.

date_clients1A good friend told me long time ago:  “If you want to get married, you have to put yourself in situations to meet more men”. Not very romantic, but she was right.

Similarly, when you want to get more paying clients, you have to put yourself in situations to meet more clients.

Then, to get to a point where you can finally “marry a client” 🙂 or rather get them to work with you, often require a dating period as well. For some this period might be relatively short, and for others it might take years.

So, here are 6 universal steps to go from complete stranger to ‘tying the knot” with a client.

Step 1: Be Self-Confident.

When you believe in in yourself and are confident about what you offer, it makes a huge difference in how others perceive you as well. Your level of self-confidence can show in many ways:  your behavior, your body language, how you speak, what you say, etc. So, think about it: When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Someone who is confident that she will be able to rock her clients’ world and help them solve their problems; therefor eager to go out, walk the extra mile to meet more clients? Or someone who is uncertain about her abilities and services; therefor rather stay in her comfort zone, fearing failure, avoid taking risks and wait for clients to come to her?


Step 2: Know what you want

I remember when I was still in high school, I had this picture of my perfect husband in my mind. He must be tall, dark and handsome, in a professional career, have a great personality and a smile that makes my knees go all watery. Well, I think I pretty much got what I wanted – my husband has all those qualities and many more! But just like dreaming about your perfect husband, you need to know what you are looking for in your ideal clients as well. Who are they? Where do they spend their time? What do they want? How can you help them? If you know who they are and where to look for them, it will make it easier to put yourself in situations and places where you can meet more of those clients.


Step 3. Break the ice

To get a client’s attention, you have to break the ice, right? Making that very first connection can be a make or break situation, and this is where the art of conversation (your marketing message) becomes so important. It doesn’t really help to try and pick them up with a sleazy pick-up line, but when you are genuinely interested in the person you are talking to, the other party can feel your sincerity and will be more interested in spending time with you. It’s like creating that first spark of client chemistry. One thing that really works well, is asking questions and then listening to what they say, because asking questions give you something to talk about, make the other person feel special because you are interested in them AND give you the opportunity to find out more about your prospects and what they really want. This helps you to also fine-tune your written marketing pieces so it talks more about the client and shows them the value you can provide to them.


Step 4. Invite them to spend more time with you

It really doesn’t help if you make that initial connection, and then not ask them to spend more time with you. This is the only way you will get to know each other better to see if you are a perfect fit. So ask your prospects out on another “date”. This is like giving them a “Call to Action”! Ask them to call you to continue the conversation (or even better, ask for their contact details and call them!). Ask them to sign up for your freebie and newsletter. Ask them to click on a link on our website.   Just ask them to do what you want them to do. You’ll be surprised how many of them will do exactly what you ask and are happy to spend more time getting to know you.


Step 5. Make them feel special

Just like a guy makes you feel special when buying you flowers or taking you on a romantic picnic, or only dancing with you at a party, you can make your clients feel special as well. This doesn’t have to be something super big. It can be something small to show them that you care. Something as simple as staying in touch and regularly sending them a valuable piece of information they can use, or informing them of things that can help them, will make them feel special because they know you are thinking about them.


Step 6. Tie the knot – Sign the Contract

Okay, so over time you’ve spend time together and you both feel that you are a great fit – so now it is time to take this relationship to a new level, right. But what often happens is that you never pop the question and don’t ask your prospect to work with you… and they feel it is not their place to do the asking. So the two of you just carry on with having a great dating relationship that is not moving into “tying the knot”. Well, if you want someone to work with you, you have to ask them to do so. Luckily at this stage you have a whole history of dating and getting to know each other that asking the BIG question can be the most natural thing in the world to do and most of the time the answer will be a resounding “YES”.

So, in conclusion: Getting clients is like “dating”. It is not a one-stand stand, but has the intention of forming longer lasting, trusting relationships with your prospects; building on that initial “client chemistry” and setting the stage for tying the knot in the end.

PS: I’ve written a previous article about “How to create more client chemistry”. You can read more about it here.

To Your Success




PS: Tell us in the comments below what else we can do to “date” a client. (you know what I mean) 🙂


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