I can still remember the time when my daughter was about 3 or 4 years old and constantly asked me “why” on every single conversation (or sentence) I said. It drove me nuts.

whyToday she is a teenager and is still starting her sentences with the word “Why”: Why do I have to do that? Why can’t I go? Why does it have to be like this? Why can’t it be like that? And the answers these days are not so straight forward anymore. Sometimes I really need to delve deep and think about it to be able to give good, satisfactory answers. But I found that the best answers (with the least amount of resistance) are those deeply rooted in our values, faith and the things we as a family belief.

Perhaps it is psychological manifestation or the power of a habit, or something – but her inquiring attitude and questioning the things we do are rubbing off  on me as I’m starting to ask the same type of “Why” questions about my business as well. Why am I doing this? Why does it matter? Why do I care? Why should other people care about it? And the answers are scary, surprising and eye-opening.

You see, mostly when we start out in business, we know WHAT we want to do – I want to help people get more clients; I want to be an engineer, a doctor, a web-designer, a virtual assistant, a life coach.

Then as time goes on, we get a pretty good idea HOW to do it and we can even get successful at doing it.

But, do you know that very few people really know WHY they do the things they do.

E.g. very few people REALLY know why they started their business in the first place; Or why they want to start a business; Why they deliver specific services; Why they sell specific products; Why they spend so much time developing things.  For many it just seemed like a good idea at the time.

So the question I want to ask today is:


Do you know WHY you do what you do?

…and not just the obvious season – “to make more money”. But the real, deeper reason of WHY you do what you do.

I realized that knowing the answer to this WHY  question is truly invaluable – especially in business – because it gives you a strong sense of purpose and helps you to clarify if you are making the right decisions. By understanding what’s on the line for you, you will care more about the end result than the steps that will get you there.

And a funny thing usually happens. Once you focus and get clear on the “why” of doing things, the “how to do it” often just falls into place or becomes much easier.

This happens because when your why is a strong enough reason, you are motivated to take the action to do it. And when you start taking that very first action step, opportunities will open up and you will enjoy taking on each challenge along the way.

Just think about it:  Will it be easier to do something and overcome the challenges when it is important to you or when you know it will make a positive impact in your life and the lives of those you are in contact with? You bet it will.


So, I want to give you a challenge today..

Next time you want to do something big OR even when you set your goals for this year, reverse the process.

Don’t start with the “HOW to do it”.

Start with the “WHY you want to do it”.

  1. Do some soul searching and get down to the bottom of the reasons. You’ll be amazed at how it suddenly gives you a sense of purpose and a truckload of motivation to push through and actually achieve those things you set out to do – even if you don’t know exactly how.
  2. Then just take the first step. That will lead you on the path where the plan and the process just suddenly appear or become clearer and clearer with every step you take.

I’m going to do it from now on. Will you join me?

Let me know in the comment box below and then go out and make this year a purpose-driven, exceptional year!


Because you deserve it! 🙂