Client Chemistry

You may have heard the old, rundown saying:

“If you want more clients, you need to do more marketing.”

Well, that is not the whole truth!

Marketing alone and getting the word out about your business as far and wide as possible, won’t necessarily bring in more clients!

The truth is…

To get more ideal and high paying clients you need the missing link!

You need to “Create Client Chemistry”…

…and Client Chemistry is all about the connection, interaction and relationships you have with your prospects and clients.

But to understand what it really means, it’s important to understand the word “chemistry” first.

From a scientific point of view, chemistry is the study of the interaction, relationship and behavior of matter – all things that we can see and touch, but also things we can’t see and touch like atoms, molecules and energy fields.

So, chemistry truly embraces everything we do! 

You find “chemistry” in the food you eat, the air you breathe, the soap you use, the fuel in your car, the furniture in your house…

…you even find chemistry in you and in how you think and feel.

In humans chemistry exists in the form of energy and is visible in our emotions – how we feel about things.

For example, all emotions such as fear, hate, love, like, trust, etc. are a result of chemical messengers in your brain.

Thus, chemistry within you, dictates how you feel about most stuff out there and it dictates your interactions, behaviors and relationships with other people – also those with your prospects and current clients.

And because chemistry is already part of you (and your clients), you can use it to create client chemistry and attract more ideal clients.


How to CREATE client chemistry

Client Chemistry is about creating a connection and bond between you and potential clients so that they are eager and willing to work with you.

It is much more than just marketing and attracting clients.

It’s firmly build on the following…


 1.    Create An Instant Positive CONNECTION

Any chemical reaction, whether it is in science… or with your clients, starts with an initial contact and subsequent reaction.

For example, initial contact is made when people see you for the first time, hear you speak or read about you. Then subconsciously they form an impression of you and who you are.

That is why the saying “first impressions count” is so true.

Within those initial moments, people either instantly “connect” to you, or they don’t.

In business, both of these are good!


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#ClientChemistry is creating a connection between you and prospects so they are eager and willing to work with you.


An instant positive connection happens when someone, (even if they do not know you yet), feels somehow connected:

  • they feel you understand them or their situation,
  • there’s something that just naturally flows,
  • you share the same values,
  • they like you,
  • they enjoy and are enthusiastic about what you say,
  • they just “click” with you…

…and all this makes them respond positively.

They want to know more, find out more, click on a link, sign up for your freebie, get in touch, send you an email, call you, etc. etc.

That’s the start of client chemistry!

It can however also happen that there is no real connection between you (as a service provider) and people who get in contact with you, hear about you or read you stuff.

That’s super okay too! Because in reality, not everybody will like what you have to offer.

You anyhow just want to work and focus your time and energy on ideal clients – people with whom you have a positive connection and with whom you can build a client relationship.

So if there are people you don’t see eye-to-eye with regards to your services, it’s great.

That means you’ve carved out a niche and target market, and people outside this group won’t necessary “get” or understand what you offer. That is what you want, because you only want to attract ideal clients that instantly “click” with you and what you offer.


How to Create This Instant Connection…

In chemistry we use the term “like attracts like”.

This means in the plain sense of the word that there should be something your prospects “like” about you.

It can be some similarities between you and them: same values, experiences or interests.  It can be that they see themselves in what you offer: they feel there is something in it for them, something they can benefit from, something that can make them stronger or better, something that can solve a problem for them – in essence just something they “like”.

Thus, to create this instant connection with ideal prospects, you need to really understand who they are, what they want, and what makes them tick… and then authentically incorporates it in your  marketing messages and weave it into your website.


2.    Build “Know, Like and Trust”

know, like, trustAfter this initial “positive connection” it becomes a matter of them getting to know you better, liking you even more, starting to trust you and eventually working with you.

In some instances, you will get clients that just instantly “click” with what you have to offer and they will immediately decide to work with you after the first contact. That’s great!

But the majority of people will first want to get to know you better before they trust you enough to work with you.

How to facilitate this “Know, Like, Trust” process…

i) Know You:

This is where it starts and this step can basically be broken down into 2 aspects:

First: People know about you

Second: People get to know you

In order to get more clients and create that first positive connection, prospects need to know about you – they first need to know you exist.

So, this is all about visibility. Getting you message out there with marketing and building relationships with key influencers – people who can help you spread your message.

Then after the first positive connection was made, it’s about nurturing this relationship by staying in touch on a regular basis so they can get to know you better.


ii) Like You:

People mostly do business with people they like.

But your goal is not for everyone to like you.

In business, you only want your target market and ideal clients to really like you.

Remember, as a solo-preneur, you are your business, and likeability comes from being authentic and expressing the real you through your content, service, marketing and all your interactions with prospects and clients.

People don’t like a faceless company. Thus, put a photo of you on your website, tell people more about yourself (in a friendly, professional way that adds to the relationship).

Invite them to engage with you via social media, to comment on your blog and to respond to your newsletters.

Truth is: when prospects “like” what they hear and see, and start to interact with you, there is a natural progression toward them starting to trust you.


iii) Trust You:

Trust is built between people when you keep your promises – when you do what you say you are going to do.  It’s that simple.

For example: When people see that others experience the results of what you “promise” in your marketing, it builds trust that they can get the same results when they work with you or buy your products.

So client testimonials are great for building trust as it provides the social proof that you walk your talk.

Also be true to your word. E.g. if you say you’ll stay in touch or send out a daily, weekly, monthly newsletter, then just do it. Breaking that promise disappoints you followers and impact on their trust.

Remember, not everyone you connect with will want to work with you or want to buy your products – even if there is some “chemistry” in place.

But, people who trust you, will (in their own time) choose to work with you or refer others to you.

Thus, when you can connect with prospects on a deeper and emotional level and build on it with know, like and trust, you’re in the best possible position to create real client chemistry that leads to long-lasting client relationships and real prosperity.


To Your Success






Create Client Chemistry