Four Key Elements to Reach More People & Get More Clients

Four Key Elements to Reach More People & Get More Clients

4keys to reach more peope and get more clientsWhen you are in business, it is imperative to get your name and your business in front of the people you want to work with…, and the more people you can reach with you marketing, the easier it will be for you to get clients, grow your income and create the life you want.

So, Here Are Four Key Element for Reaching More People and Thus Get More Clients


1.    Find Your Target Audience In Large Numbers.

One of the most common problems with finding more clients is that people are often looking for clients in the wrong places. Instead of knowing who they want to work with and then going to places where they will find these ideal clients, they spend time in places where there are no clients for them. In other words, they spend their time in forums, networking places and social media platforms where their ideal client doesn’t have a presence.

So, the first thing you can do to reach more people and get more clients is to go to where your ideal clients are already gathered for you and where you can find them in large numbers.


Today’s Marketing Tip – It’s a Tweetable!

To get more clients, go to where your ideal clients are already gathered for you @FrancisvanWyk

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 2.    Create a Marketing Plan

Another common issue with getting clients is that many solo-preneurs don’t market consistently and according to a plan. Their marketing is very irregular and  in “pieces” – only when there is time, when the appointment book looks a bit empty or when their bank account is approaching red. Thus they have no continuity that will fill their pipeline with more and more potential clients

Implementing and working according to a marketing plan, will keep your marketing consistent. It will also keep you accountable to do what you’ve set out to do and inspire you to achieve the marketing goals you set for yourself. All this will enable you to keep momentum and consistently reach more people – thus increase the probability of getting more clients.


 3.    Have a Diversified Marketing Strategy

If your business is doing okay with only one or two marketing methods, that’s great. But, just imagine what you can achieve if you use five or ten proven marketing methods?

By creating a multi-channel marketing effort, you put yourself on a firm foundation for greater success as you establish more ways for potential clients to hear about you and eventually work with you. An added benefit is if someone doesn’t respond to one of your marketing tactics, they might respond if you present that same offer to them in a different way.

Having a diversified marketing strategy ensures that you can reach more people and also reach them in different ways that will increase your chances to get more clients.


 4.    Build a List Of Ideal Prospects

Perhaps you have heard the following saying: “The Money is in the List”. This phrase means that it is important for every business to have a list or a database of ideal prospects that can eventually become clients. When you have a list of devoted followers and fans, they will be more than willing to work with you or buy your products, because they already know, like and trust you.

It is important to ensure your marketing efforts are not in vain. Thus, you need a system to capture the contact details of potential clients, so you can add them to your list and then stay in touch on a regular basis.

Building a list of ideal prospects is an excellent way to reach your ideal clients in large numbers.


Your Assignment for this week:

Set aside some quiet time and think about places where you can find a room full of your target audience. Create a plan to get your business in front of them and in multiple ways Then develop a system to capture their contact details so you can stay in touch with them regularly. If you need help and want a proven system to reach more people, check out the “Create More Marketing Momentum” program.  It provides a step-by-step process to build your marketing foundation and start attracting the clients you want.

To Your Success




Is Marketing Standing In Your Way?

Is Marketing Standing In Your Way?

Marketing can often feel like a pain in the neck, isn’t it?

As a services professional, you know you need to market your business consistently to get more clients and greater returns on your income, yet it’s like you just never really get to do any effective marketing. You always find something else to do instead…. and in the end, your day went by and you didn’t get to do any marketing, right?

I know… I used to feel like that too, but not anymore.

I came to realize that as a service provider it is actually your responsibility to do as much marketing as you can.

The truth is: you have unique skills, abilities and experiences that can help so many other people who are looking for exactly what you have. In other words…

You have solutions to other people’s problems!!

So if you do not market your business and tell people what you do, you deprive them from the solutions to their problems that they are searching for!

When I realized this truth, my whole outlook on marketing changed and as a result, I felt more confident and open with my marketing and also started to see many positive results in my business. Results such as more focus, more self-discipline, more clients, better quality clients a higher income…in fact, my whole business became much more fun.

Understanding what marketing really is, helped me get so many things I want … and you can too.

There is however ONE big pitfall.

You can have the right intentions with your marketing, BUT if you do not have the right marketing FOUNDATION, it will still be an uphill struggle to get more clients and help the people you want to help.

In all honesty, it took me some time to figure that one out, but eventually I did and now I want to pay it forward…

So,  I’ve developed a training program to show you step-by-step how to implement the right marketing foundation in your business and how to build on that foundation with a rock-solid marketing plan to attract more and more clients to your business – consistently.   With the information of this training program you can start create marketing momentum that will bring you the clients and income you want.


If you want to go over all the program details, visit the information-rich page here:


I’m looking forward to share those insights with you!

Love and success

Create Prosperity: Strategies To Take Your Business From Merely Surviving To Thriving

Create Prosperity: Strategies To Take Your Business From Merely Surviving To Thriving

Part 6:

Does your business have a winning edge?

Do you create, do or give something to your clients that lift your business up above your competition? In other words, does your business have that something that makes you get the clients while your competitors don’t?

That is called a “winning edge”.

Let me try to explain this by using an example of horses running a race.

As you know, horse racing is not only a prestigious sport; but there is also huge prize money involved and the horse that wins the race walks away with the bulk of this prize money –  even if he only wins by a “nose”.

In some races, the winning horse can receive up to ten times more in prize money than the horse that comes in second. This however doesn’t mean the wining horse have to be ten times faster than the second horse. He just need to be a little bit faster or a little better trained for this race or has a skilled jockey that can make a racing decision just a little bit better than the other jockeys.

It is the same in business. People who become successful and prosperous are sometimes just a “nose” in front of those who don’t! They do things just a little bit better or do things just a little bit different than the rest which then leads to extraordinary results.

Create prosperity in your business and give yourself that winning edge, by focusing on one or more of the following:


1. Distinction  

Be noticeably different from your competition. Luckily, it’s not really that difficult to create distinction, to stand out and be different from a crowd of anonymous competitors. You only need to do 1 of 3 things. You either need to

  • Deliver a unique service that not many other solo-preneurs do, or
  • Deliver a common service, but do it in a unique way or even
  • Deliver a common service in a common way but then specialize in a particular audience.


2. Excellence

Strive to become excellent in what you do and be brave enough to set the standard in your industry.

Do everything to the best of your ability. When you sell a service, you need to fulfill with excellence – like dinner depend on it. Be a person of integrity and don’t manipulate the truth or cut corners to make a buck.

Excellence enables you to become trusted in you market place and not only to attract loyal clients, but also loyal partnerships  and creating thriving partnerships give you the leverage to spread your message even further and helps to create quantum growth in your business.

Regardless of what you do, always put your full effort behind it and don’t do anything halfway.


3. Service Value

Always serve your clients with value in mind. Give them more value than what they’ve bargained on because satisfied clients are the foundation upon which you can create more prosperity in your business.

Businesses with satisfied, loyal clients enjoy greater customer retention, repeat business, more word of mouth advertising and consequently greater profits.

The art of giving your clients value boils down to finding out what they want or what  they consider to be of value, then persuading them that what you offer will deliver that value.


Your Assignment for today:

With all 6 Success Strategies in mind, give yourself and your business the opportunity to become prosperous, Break away from the trap of only doing enough to “get by,” or being content with being “good enough”.

Focus on those things that can give you the winning edge in your business. Be distinct, be excellent in what you do and deliver exceptional service value to your clients to become prosperous and to take your business from merely surviving to thriving this year

Love & Success



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Click here for Part 5: Market & Promote Consistently


Promote your Services Consistently: Strategies To Take Your Business From Merely Surviving To Thriving

Promote your Services Consistently: Strategies To Take Your Business From Merely Surviving To Thriving

Part 5:

Do your potential clients know about you?

Since starting my business a couple of years ago and working with many entrepreneurs in the process, I’ve noticed that numerous solo-businesses struggle with getting more clients due to the fact that potential clients do not know about them.

It’s often the case where entrepreneurs excitedly start their online businesses.  They know they have a service that will make a difference in people’s lives and because they are excellent in what they do, they often expect people to naturally know how good they are and how they can help clients.

What happens is many solo-preneurs get everything just right to perform business and then …they wait!

They wait and think “Oh, the clients will come to me”… and when the clients do not line up and are not eagerly waiting to work with them, they get discouraged and start wondering if being self-employed was the right decision to make?

The truth however is: if you want to take your business from merely surviving to thriving, you HAVE to get out there in a really big way and consistently market & promote your services.

It sounds simple enough, but people often shy away from marketing and promoting their services due to inherent false beliefs that it is ‘sleazy’; or you have to ‘sell’ yourself – much like a door-to-door salesman trying to sell you something you don’t need.

Marketing and promoting your services however doesn’t have to be sleazy at all. When it is done authentically, your marketing simply offers the solutions your clients are already searching for.

Therefore it is actually your duty to inform people how you can take away their pain and problems with the services you offer!

To effectively market and promote your services:

  1. Get your message and your services in front of the clients you want to work with;
  2. Go to the places where your clients are already gathered for you.
  3. Actively meet new people, speak to them and start engaging in conversations.  Don’t wait and assume clients will come to you. You need to give them a reason to do so.
  4. Have confidence in yourself, your services and your business. If you don’t have a genuine belief in the importance and the value of your services and don’t know that it can really help your clients or even change their lives, you clients won’t have confidence in you either.
  5. Realize that when you promote your business, you’re not pushing people to buy what they don’t want. Instead, you’re offering them a solution to the problems and pain they experience.
  6. Make every marketing action count so that it helps to achieve your ultimate goals. Don’t just do marketing for the sake of marketing. Do the necessary planning and follow a structured plan that gives you a diversified outreach and maximizes your returns.
  7. Market and promote your services daily, consistently and persistently.  It doesn’t help much to only crank out a couple of marketing activities when the appointment book looks a bit empty.

Marketing and promoting is like planting a seed. It rarely gives instant results. When you plant a seed in the ground, it needs constant attention in terms of water and pruning to help it grow into a lovely tree that will eventually bear fruit.

Thus your marketing needs daily attention to bring consistent results.

Mastering the marketing aspect of your business is the best skill you can learn to take your business from merely surviving to thriving.

To your success



P.S. Your assignment for this week: Have total conviction about what you do and from this moment forward consistently market and promote your services. I guarantee you’ll start attracting more clients than you are now. It works!

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Click here for Part 4: Package Your Services

Click here for Part 6: Create Prosperity


Valuable Business & Marketing Lessons Learned – Part 2

Valuable Business & Marketing Lessons Learned – Part 2

Valuable Business & Marketing Lessons LearnedIn Part 1 of lessons learned I’ve shared with you 3 important things about mindset and attitude towards business that I’ve learned in my business over the past years.

Today, I want to share some thoughts on the business & marketing lessons learned.

Lesson 4: Consistent Marketing Bears Fruit.

For me, marketing is like planting a seed.

When you put a seed of a tree in the ground, you do not eat the fruit of that tree the next day. The seed needs time to grow. You need to give it water and fertiliser and you need to nurture that seed and help it grow into a big tree. Eventually you will be able to eat the fruit. However, if you stop to give it water, the seed or the tree will die before you can enjoy the fruit and you will have to start all over again.

It’s the same with marketing. It is something you need to do daily, consistently. When you plant the first little “seed” into a prospects head, you can’t just leave it there and think you’ve played your part. You need to water it frequently with more follow-ups and valuable information so that it can grow into a giant tree and start bearing fruit when that client is ready to work with you.

The truth is, marketing rarely gives instant results.  It is a process and the marketing effort you put in today, will mostly reap results in future. So consistent marketing will bring consistent results.


Lesson 5: Clarity Goes a Long Way

There are many things in business you have to get clear about, but for me the most important ones are clarity about what you want; what you do; who you work with and how you help them.

When you are clear about what you want, you can set goals and put plans in place to reach those goals.

When you are clear about what you do, who you work with and how you help them, you can tailor your marketing to consistently attract the clients you want.

A mistake many solo-preneurs make is to work with all sorts of clients because they are not clear about who they work with and how they help their clients. This not only results in a struggle to market your services effectively, but you often get clients you just don’t want to work with: people that drain your energy; people who do not pay; people that do not commit to your programs; people who always complain. This makes your business un-enjoyable and is not why you started it in the first place.

When you are not clear on what you truly want from your business and who your ideal clients are, it is an uphill struggle. However, when you become clear about what you want; what you do; who you work with and how you help them, the whole situation changes. Your marketing becomes super easy, you start to attract the right clients, they get better results from working with you, they recommend you to other people, your business and income grow and you at last have fun doing what you love to do.


Lesson 5: Align Your Plans And Goals With What You Really Want.

One of my mentors always says: “When you are clear, you can be clear”

It is so true, because when you have clarity on the things discussed above, you can set some pretty clear goals and then start creating plans and making decisions that are aligned with those goals.

It often happens that entrepreneurs are spinning their wheels in one place. They are doing a lot of stuff and are working really hard, without progressing.  In some instances they even miss huge opportunities to progress faster or they say yes to an opportunity that does nothing more to their business apart from giving them more work.

For me, the problem here is because they have no real direction or end goal in mind. They often do not really know what they want, so they cannot put any worthwhile plans in place… and this goes all back to having clarity.

When you are clear and know what you want, you not only set clear goals and create better plans, but it also becomes easier to start saying yes to the right opportunities that fit your plans and will help you achieve those goals faster.


As always, share with us below in the comment box what lessons you have learned in your business so far and use the buttons below if you enjoyed this post and want to share it with others.

Love and Success


How To Network and Build A Fan Base Like Elvis

How To Network and Build A Fan Base Like Elvis

35 Years after his death, Elvis Presley is still alive.

He lives in the hearts and memories of many who have been part of his era. For them Elvis will always be the King of Rock and Roll!

For many of us today, Elvis is just a name, a musician and music idol of the 1950’s. But what fascinates me is that Forbes Magazine still rated Elvis as the second highest Top Earning Dead Celebrity with an income of $55mil dollars in 2011.

How did he create a fan base that is still fanatical about him and his work, 35 years after he’s been gone?

Well, I don’t really know. 🙂

But what I do know is that apart from the fact the Elvis was a brilliant musician and had a pure love for music, many people loved him for who he was – a people’s person and excellent networker. He was true to himself and the people he knew, warm and interactive with his friends and admirers and extremely generous.

To understand a tiny bit of who he was and what made him such an icon, here are 4 traits about Elvis that we can apply in our business and especially in the way we network and interact with people as well.


Elvis mingled with the right crowd:

When he first started out, he was often seen in the company of news agents and music producers while at parties. He also enjoyed socializing with his fans. These were all people that could help him advance his career.

It is not just Elvis, but many successful people are often seen in the company of other successful and influential people. So, it really goes without saying that mingling with the right crowd is very important – especially when you just start out.

It is an opportunity to meet the “right” people:  people who has some influence and can help you to progress faster with your business, or people who are in your target audience and can eventually become your clients, or people who can become strategic alliances and/or great connectors and put you in front of the audiences you are looking for.

Thus, for networking to become a powerful marketing and business building strategy, it is important to mingle, (like Elvis) with the “right” people and in the right places.


 Elvis was distinctive:

His trademark flashy clothes and magnetic personality made him stand out in a crowd.

Perhaps you feel you can’t wear flashy clothes with flair or you don’t have an outgoing personality like Elvis. That’s okay. You can still be distinctive in your own way.  

You can cultivate your own uniqueness with how you greet and interact with people; or with your elevator speech; or even just the way you make people feel special by “listening” to them instead of shoving a business card at them.

You can become distinctive, by being interested in forming genuine relationships with the people you meet at events and by following up with them the very next day.

To be distinct, doesn’t mean you need to have three eyes or purple hair. You can just be yourself and have something that make you stand out and have people remember you.


Elvis was a giver:

Much of his generosity was unknown to the general public. However, behind closed doors he supported everyone from friends and family to total strangers. He paid people’s hospital bills, bought wheelchairs for those in need, and paid off others debts. He even bought Cadillac’s and flashy diamond jewelry for some of his friends.

Being a giver during networking doesn’t necessary mean that you have to give money or expensive gifts to people. You can become a giver by giving referrals. Master networkers provide LOTS of referrals. They make it their business to connect people. And not surprisingly, this always comes back to them.

You can also become a giver by delivering the same ‘high-value’ information during networking interactions that you do with your clients or in your articles, emails and on your website. When your connections feel you add value to their lives, they will be attracted to you and can eventually become clients or refer you to someone else.

Bottom line: When you create value for others, you are creating value for yourself.


Elvis was fully present:

He was a good listener; he liked to treat everybody he met and made them feel special. He also took a genuine interest in the welfare of his friends and family. He didn’t wear a mask and was true to himself and the people around him.

To be fully present during networking, means to show genuine interest in the person you’re talking to. Stop selling and start listening to the people you meet, but don’t wear a “mask” of being falsely interested. I am sure you have experienced a person who, while you’re talking to him, keeps his eyes roving around the room seeking his next victim. He’s nodding his head as if his listening, but you know he didn’t hear a word. How did it make you feel? Not very good I suppose and in future, you will avoid speaking to that person again, isn’t it.

So, instead of falling in that trap, be fully present and be interested.  Take part in the discussion and ask questions. People enjoy talking about themselves and when you are truly interested in what the other person has to say, you might just pick up on something important. Thomas Power says:  “I find that the most powerful knowledge comes from listening to people.”


In my eyes, a networking event is not a time to see how many business cards you can dish out. It is a time to develop valuable relationships that have potential.  It is a time to ensure that you (like Elvis), build a fan base that will love and remember you and honor your memory long after you’ve being gone.

Share with us below which of these 4 traits of Elvis you can identify with the best and also which one you will apply next time you attend a networking event.

As always, thanks for reading and if you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it using the buttons below.

Love and Success