it's up to you2Everybody wants to be successful…

Everybody wants to have more clients, make more money, be recognized in their industry and feel good about themselves. It is life and part of having a business.

Unfortunately there is no magic wand that can make all of this happen.

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The plain truth is: What you are and what you become is totally up to you. Click to Tweet


I was recently confronted with questions like:

• “Who motivates the motivator?”

• “What do you do with information you receive at seminars, online training, webinars, teleconferences, email newsletters etc. etc.?”

• “What will be different in your business a year from now?”

• “When are you going to implement what you’ve learned?”

…and again came to the conclusion that it is totally up to you to make your mark.

To go from ordinary to extraordinary you should “Decide to Do”.

Running your own business requires more than just following the flow of things that are thrown your way, it involves actively steering your business in the direction that you want it to go into.


It requires from you to:

  • Be your own motivator;
  • Sift through the sea of information that you receive on a daily basis and take action on the things that can help you make your mark;
  • Set and/or renew goals and targets in order to grow your business to its full potential;
  • And the most important one – Implement what you’ve decided to do.


The truth is:

There is a fine line between dreams and reality;

it’s up to you to draw it.” ~B. Quilliam~


So, I want to challenge you today to draw the line; step over the line; erase the line …whatever it takes for you. Just make a conscious decision to start making thing happen in your business and in your life…

Thank you for reading my blog!  I truly value you!

To Your Success!




Grab your copy of my FREE report: “9 Essential Tactics to Get More Clients”



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