Running a solo business is great fun! You can make the rules and you can steer the course of your business.

The fun and excitement is especially huge when you just start out. You are so full of plans and ideas and can’t wait to start implementing all of them and seeing the results.

Then at some point, the unthinkable happens. You get so caught up in your business that you can’t see the forest for the trees any more. Even when you work really hard and try you utmost best, your business and income starts to reach a plateau – and you might be happy with that for a while, but to move past this and experience another burst of growth you often need to get a new fresh perspective on what to do.

Why? Because alone, you only have so much knowledge and experience, and can only take your business so far. Sometimes you need someone else to steer you in the right direction. Sometimes you need to seek knowledge outside of your own.


Here are 5 ways I use to gain a fresh perspective on my business:

1. Take some time off.  From time to time all you need is to take a break from work and do something different. Stepping away from your business enables you to clear your head and help you be creative again.


2. Talk to someone about your business. One of the barriers to growth in a solo-business is that it often feels there is no-one you can openly talk to about your business – mostly because they don’t really understand exactly what you do. However, occasionally it’s good to talk to a friend or a family member about what you want to achieve. Since they are not wrapped up in the day to day workings of entrepreneurship, they can often provide alternative or fresh insights to stimulate ideas and help you see things differently.


3. Attend regular networking meetings and business events. Talking to other business owners – even when they are not directly in your industry or line of work is a great way to tap into advice and expertise that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to get hold of. Listening to speakers and talking to other attendees at business events can also stimulate your thinking, allow you to look at things differently and help you generate new ideas to implement.


4. Join a mastermind group. Finding a group of like-minded individuals (e.g. other solo-preneurs) that regularly meet and with whom you can brainstorm and discuss new business ideas, can do wonders for your business. It is important to get the needed support and be able to learn from others who are in more or less the same situation – all participating with the mutual goal of growing their businesses.


5. Work with a mentor or coach. Having a fresh pair of eyes that focuses specifically on helping you grow your business is invaluable.  The right coach can help you define the actions you need to take,  act as a sounding board, help you define your goals, give personalized support , share appropriate know-how, systems and tools you haven’t thought of before,  give you the necessary confidence and hold you accountable to implement the plans for  growing your business.

Re-energising your business can be as simple as taking advantage of every resource you have. Put the fun and excitement back in your business by finding a fresh perspective – one outside your own head.

Share with us below how you gain a fresh perspective on your business.