About Francis
Web Designer & Client Attraction Mentor For Women On A Mission
Hi, My Name Is Francis van Wyk…
Apart from being a wife, blessed with a loving husband, mother to a beautiful daughter and two adorable cats…
I’m also a mentor and consultant for women solo entrepreneurs who have big plans.
I specialize in helping women solo-preneurs just like you to:
(1) Create a foolproof marketing road map
(2) Clarify your marketing message and
(3) Use online and off-line marketing strategies to consistently and authentically promote your message so you can reach more people, make a difference, and create a thriving and profitable business.
Some Quick Facts…
#1.) I’m originally from South Africa, but now live in Doha, Qatar in the Middle East. As an expat in this foreign country, I love the desert, the summer heat and the mystery of the Arabian culture.
#2.) I love helping others – family, friends, children, entrepreneurs. It’s in my blood. I think at the end of the day what matters most is the people we’ve helped in our lifetime. Hopefully the difference we’ve made in their lives. So, I’m just trying to do my part.
#3.) Living in a remote part of the world, my business is 99.99% online.
#4.) I love being an entrepreneur.
People often ask me:
“Francis, how did you get to be an online business and marketing mentor for solo-preneurs?”
Well, to answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you my story.
Click here to read my full story >>>
From “Geeky” Scientist to Entrepreneur….
In my “previous” life, I was a geeky scientist and laboratory manager at a large petrochemical company in South Africa. That life ended when my husband accepted a job-offer in Saudi Arabia (Yes, that very secluded Arabic country in the Middle East).
We sold our earthly possessions. Packed up our life and as a family relocated to the Middle East where we entered the expat lifestyle.
It was so exciting! Yet scary, terrifying and fascinating all at once.
It however didn’t take long for the excitement and thrill of living in a foreign country to subdue a bit and being an expat wife (my new title) also brought with it a number of unique challenges…. one of them was escaping boredom.
Coming from a corporate career, boredom was something I was not used to. So, it became sort of an obsession for me to start doing something. Consequently in a country where women are not allowed to work in a professional capacity I discovered the power of the internet, what it means to work virtually, started my first online business and became an info-preneur.
…to Marketing Mentor
I was not long before my business changed focus from merely providing information, to also working with people in a personal mentoring / coaching capacity. During this natural progression period, I became painfully aware of the huge role that consistent marketing plays in getting clients and growing a solo services business successfully.
That became a turning point in my life. As someone who is more of an introvert, the idea of marketing and getting out there to talk to people about my services, was a scary concept. Furthermore, trying to apply the theoretical marketing knowledge obtained from my MBA degree just didn’t work that well in my solo business. I was on a totally different wavelength than the people I wanted to work with and as a result struggled to get more clients.
I however knew that if I want my business to succeed, I absolutely need to learn how to do marketing effectively and authentically in a way that I’m comfortable with.
So, to change my situation I went on a learning spree. I literally spend tens of thousands of dollars on marketing training from gurus all around the world. I found a coach and various mentors to work with and true to my scientific background, I tried and tested everything.
I started to put the pieces together for my own business and developed a step-by-step system that provides an authentic but very effective marketing roadmap to get clients consistently.
What I found is that marketing (when done right) is not this sleazy process where you have to “sell” yourself. Instead, authentic marketing is about reaching out to people and informing them of the solutions they are already searching for.
Today, I don’t fear marketing anymore. In fact, I LOVE it.
Funny thing was when I showed the same strategies to others, they experienced excellent results too!
The truth is, no formal training, nowhere, teaches you how to achieve success as an entrepreneur. It’s not taught in high school. Or college. Or grad school. It’s something that you just have to “figure out.”
That’s where I come in. I’m no different than you. I’m just someone who had the time to figure it out and can now extend a helping hand to teach you what I learned so you don’t make the same mistakes. So you don’t throw away money trying to figure it out on your own. And so you aren’t left with the anxiety wondering, “Am I doing all of this right”?
I realized many women entrepreneurs do not really know where to start with their marketing. They also have inherent fears or false beliefs around marketing that are keeping them stuck and preventing them from growing a hugely profitable business.
But, luckily anything in life can be learned. Any obstacle in life can be overcome…
…and because I as an introvert, could overcome that fear of marketing AND figured out a way to fill my business both with coaching clients as well as being able to sell my info-products and programs on an on-going basis, I want to pay it forward and help others do the same.
So, I consider myself very fortunate. Today I’m able to combine my passion for chemistry and finding solutions, with my love for on-line technology and marketing to assist women solo-preneurs around the globe with planning their marketing success, finding solutions to their marketing obstacles and in the process creating that unique “client chemistry” so they can attract more clients, make more money and build a profitable business.
I look forward to supporting you on this journey!
Francis's Professional Bio
Francis van Wyk is a business and marketing expert and the founder of 2 successful online coaching businesses. She has taken her extensive corporate experience & formal business training and combined it with her love of internet and relationship marketing to inspire other women solo-preneurs to do the things that inspire them.
Through close, collaborative relationships with clients she helps them reach their full potential in business. She dedicates her time to support women solo-preneurs with planning for success and helping them understand the fundamental basics of marketing and building an online business so they can confidently attract more clients, increase their income and professionally leverage relationship based internet marketing strategies to create a business they enjoy and the lifestyle they truly want.
After applying Francis’s proven results-focused, step-by-step, “how to” approach for positioning and fine-tuning a business to get more clients, her clients typically experience improved time management, improved mindset, more focus, better self-confidence, new leads, new clients and / or higher income.
As an expatriate, born in South Africa but now living in Doha, Qatar (Middle East), Francis’s business if fully online and she works with all her clients via virtual / online methods, thus teaching the same proven strategies she applies daily in her own business.
Let Francis show you how you can take your online business from frustrating to fabulous.
I implemented 1 strategy and immediately got a new client and many new opportunities and possibilities arising from it
“Before working with Francis, I was in the dumps and didn’t know where to start or how to go about getting more clients. Working with Francis however gave me more confidence and understanding of my business to take it to the next level.
I’m now more focused on the things that truly matter in business. By implementing only one of the strategies I learned, I got a new client and can see many new opportunities and possibilities arise from it. My income has increased working with existing clients. My mindset definitely improved. I now have more self-confidence and also better time management.
What I enjoy about working with Francis is that she’s patient and communicates her knowledge well. She knows what she’s talking about. I also feel she understands me and the barriers I have. I can wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone.”
Here Are Some More Questions You Might Have
Francis, who are your typical clients?
I work with women solo-preneurs who have a services based business – e.g coaches, consultants, therapists, virtual assistants or other service based professionals. These are women (just like you) who are really good at what they do and passionate about helping other people, but who have never been taught exactly how to attract more clients and build a profitable business.
Being a hard-working, driven and motivated person myself, I enjoy working with women who are motivated, eager to succeed and passionate about their business. Women who are high achieving go-getters, who will implement what they learn, go the extra mile and have the financial resources to invest in their business and in themselves
My clients typically have an existing business but know that they can do so much more.
Their biggest hurdle is doing marketing so they can fast-tract their business and grow their client base steadily. Thus, they want the added accountability and continuous support that comes from working more closely with someone in a mentoring relationship.
I do expect those working with me in my mentoring programs to take consistent action and to implement the strategies they learn. Thus, I am quite selective in whom I work with on a one-to-one basis. I carefully choose not to mentor those who will not be a good fit for my programs. With due respect, people with a negative outlook on life or who are making regular excuses for not taking action or implementing changes, might not be a good fit. I might therefore from time-to-time gently turn away clients when I feel they will not experience the full value of mentoring with me.
What results can I expect when working with you?
When you take full action on the things you learn, some of the results you can expect include the following:
# Grow as a person. Although we will focus on business and marketing related principles, you will find you are often stretched beyond your comfort zone. This is needed to help you grow not only as a person, but also as a business entity. If you as person do not grow and don’t step outside the things that you can comfortably do, your business does not grow.
# Position your business strategically. You’ll examine exactly how you are positioned in the marketplace. You’ll work on finding your ideal clients and then clarifying you marketing message so you can correctly align your business to best serve your clients. This helps in consistently attracting more, ideal, high-paying clients and is Step 1 of creating more client chemistry. You’ll also look at your competitors and determine what makes your services unique, so that clients will rather want to work with you.
# Reach more people. I believe you have so much to share and you can help many more people with your talents and skills. Luckily, the internet enables you to expand your reach to many, many more clients. You’ll learn how to effectively reach more people by utilizing current on-line and off-line marketing strategies that work!
# Make a difference. By default, as a service professional, your purpose is to help people and thus making a difference in their lives. This is Step 2 of creating more client chemistry and you’ll discover various ways to build the “know, like and trust factor” so people gladly want to work with you and give you the opportunity to change their lives for the better.
# Make more money and create long-lasting prosperity in your business. You are in business to make a difference in people’s lives, but in order for you to continue doing it, you need a profitable income. Thus, you’ll work on effective ways to create more income streams and to leverage your time and knowledge so you can grow your business faster and create prosperity, while doing what you love to do.
# Create focus on what is important. You’ll become clear on exactly what to do to set your business up for success. I’m a firm believer of effective planning, because without goals and a plan, you might run up and down on the field of business without ever scoring. So you’ll create an effective marketing road map to get more clients. You’ll also create and implement systems so you ALWAYS have clients. This means no more guessing, no more trying things blindly, and no more confusion when you implement your marketing strategies.
How quickly can I expect results?
I’m sure you know that results depend on a number of factors including:
- how long you’ve been in business;
- how committed you are to the process;
- how much you put into the assignments I give you and
- how much you implement;
There are no such things as overnight successes, quick fixes or instant results. The process and systems I’ll teach you is all about planting seeds now that will grow and pay off in future much quicker than when you do it alone and without support.
That said, most people see results within the first couple of months (even weeks) in terms of improved time management, improved mindset, more focus, better self-confidence, new leads, new clients and / or higher income.
Will I regain the investment I put into the coaching / mentoring programs?
Definitely! The skills and strategies you’ll learn can be used over and over again for the lifetime of your business (even when you change your business) and you will most probably recover your initial investment in the program with your first one or two new clients.
In addition to acquiring new business building and marketing skills and strategies, you will also receive valuable tips, shortcuts and guidance that will propel your business forward even faster.
How can we get started?
I’m honored to help you achieve the success you’re looking for!
Let’s connect so we can nail this thing. Because two heads are better than one!
Your Wisdom + My Wisdom = More Success ????
I offer private coaching programs to help you enjoy more success, more clients, more money and more freedom in your business.
We can get together for a Virtual VIP retreat to work for 4hours on your business and get your marketing roadmap sorted out in one go.
We can also work together in one of my longer term, private 1-on-1 coaching programs.
If you are not completely sure what the best option is for you, complete the coaching application form here, anyway. We’ll set up a short business strategy call (on the house) to see which program will suite your needs best.
If I’m not ready to get going with private coaching just yet, how can I sample what you have to offer to make sure it’s right for me?
A great way to get to know me and to taste what I offer is to subscribe for your FREE “From No Clients to Paying Clients Action Guide”. Discover a practical 6 Step System to go from no clients to a consistent stream of paying clients. As a bonus you will receive my weekly email newsletter Insight that is filled with excellent marketing tips and information.
Let’s also hook up on social media. You’ll find all my Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn details at the bottom of the page
Please, just promise me that you won’t go away from this page without taking some sort of action TODAY to start overcoming your client struggles…
…because, more clients and more profits are yours for the taking. A simple plan and a helping hand can get you there. I’m offering you both. You just have to do one thing:
Say: “Yes! Let’s do this!”
Grow your business. Attract more clients.
Download our WARM INTRODUCTION LETTER case study and learn how we got 9 clients in 21 days…
You can do it too!