GrowFaster2To accelerate your business success, it is important to surround yourself with the right people: People who are all moving into the same direction and who and are either on the same path as you, or more successful than you.

Last week, In a previous post I talked about the power of association and concluded that surrounding yourself with other successful people is a sure way to reach your goals and dreams much faster, because they inspire and motivate you to take action on your own plans.

So, today I want to give you a list of what I consider as the top 4 ways to quickly and effectively surround yourself with people that can help you progress much faster in business.

Here they are


1. Work with a Coach or Mentor

As a solo-preneur, the absolute quickest way to progress in business is to get out of your own way. The problem is, we often stand in our own way because we are too stubborn or have too many excuses for not getting the help we need – I know, because I was one of those stubborn people, but I quickly realized how foolish it is. As one person you only have limited knowledge and experience and it often becomes a situation where you don’t know that you don’t know. This is where a coach and mentor can be a great help. They can give you an outside perspective on your business and help you clarify how to implement existing strategies in your business or they can open up a lot of new strategies that you might never even have thought about before.


2. Join a Mastermind Group

Joining a mastermind group with individuals that are on the same path as you, can prove to be invaluable for growing your business. You receive valuable input from so many different people on challenges you experience in your business. And by listening to what the other members in the group do in their businesses, often sparks many new ideas on how to grow your own business faster. It furthermore lead to quicker results, because you leave each mastermind session with more wisdom, a better perspective on your own business and a truckload of motivation to take bigger risks and start implementing new things that enhances change and progress in your business.


3. Mingle With Advancing Entrepreneurs at Industry Specific Live- and Virtual Events

Whether an event is live (in-person) or whether it is a virtual event (via the internet), attending events where you surround yourself with a group of like-minded individuals can be one of the most inspiring and transformational ways to boost your business results. It gives you the opportunity to mingle with a variety of advancing entrepreneurs just like you.  Simple discussions with people at events, not even mentioning the valuable learnings from the event host, can inspire, revitalize and motivate you to reach bigger heights in your business.


4.    Read Great Books

Sometimes it might happen that you are in situation where, due to your location, it is difficult to reach out to the right people in person. I know, because it often feels that Qatar (the country I live in) is worlds apart from the people I admire and would like to hang out with. But what I found is that the next best thing to surrounding yourself with the right people is to surround yourself with their trainings and books. Many influential entrepreneurs have excellent training programs and have written great books that contain a brain dump of their knowledge. And as Rene Descartes once said “The reading off all good books is like conversation with the finest men of the past centuries”.

So this is my list of how you can grow your business faster when you surround yourself with the right people.

In the end, I am a true believer in the fact that people can achieve more together. Think about it for a minute, every single successful person always had some form of help along the way… and when you hear their story, it was mostly due to the people they associated themselves with.

Your take-away assignment: Evaluate your current business and make a decision today what your next step will be to put the power of association to work in your life. You can choose from the list I’ve provided above or use any other way that works best for you. But just do not procrastinate on this.  Your business success is too important for you to leave this to chance.

To Your Success!





PS: Tell us in the comments section who are the people you surround yourself with. Who can we add to this list?

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