Where to find clients“Where to find clients” is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive from my subscribers and rightly so. Because knowing where you can find your clients will make marketing and getting paying clients much easier.

So here are 4 practical things you can do to find more clients.


1. Get really clear on WHO you want to find.

The first and most important thing to do, is to get really clear on your target audience. Who are those people you want to attract to your business and what are the common characteristics they have.

Get a clear picture of them in your mind and think about things like:

  • Their geographical location, profession, gender, age, income levels
  • Their hobbies. What do they like to do?
  • What magazines or blogs do they read?
  • What events do they attend?
  • What problems do they struggle with?

When you are really clear who this ideal client is, everything else will stem from that, because this knowledge already gives you a pretty good idea where to go look for those clients.


2. Be present in places your clients spend their time

The 2nd or next thing to do is to think about where do these people spend their time. Where do your ideal clients hang out? Can you find them at specific networking events or even special live events like tradeshows or conferences? Can you find them online?

You want to look at places where you will be able to find them in larger numbers, because when you find your ideal clients in larger numbers, it makes marketing easier and more cost effective.

A great place to start is for example social media. With the number of people who spend time on social media, you will most probably be able to find your audience there as well. But you don’t just want to fire away and get involved in all social media platforms. Rather think about where those clients you want to find, will most LIKELY spend their time. Will your audience spend time on Facebook or will you rather find them on LinkedIn, Twitter or perhaps Pinterest – e.g. moms working from home, might be more inclined to spend time on Facebook; people with professional careers, might be more inclined to spend time on LinkedIn.

Again, clarity about your target audience will give the answers on where they will most likely spend time so you can be present there as well and have a higher probability of getting your business in front of them.


3. Find others who are already talking to your ideal clients

Start looking for people who are already talking to your ideal clients (online or offline) or someone who already have a list of these people. Think about organizations your ideal clients belong to. Think about possible collaboration partners who are already sending information or even a newsletter to your ideal audience on a regular basis.

When you’ve identified these possible partners, reach out and connect with them. Offer to provide some value to their audience so you can invite them into your business.


4. Talk to current clients and people in your immediate environment.

One of the easiest ways to find new clients is to ask current clients and people in your immediate environment if they know about someone who fits your ideal client profile and who might benefit from what you offer. This way, you can get a number of referrals to personally follow up with.


So, those are some great ways to find new clients. All that is left now, is to put it into action and go get your clients.


I’d love to hear your comments, so please leave a comment below and tell us which one you’ll take action on first.

To your Success
