Client Attractive WebsiteAs a solo-preneur, the #1 goal of having an online presence is to create a client attractive website that engages your target audience and gets their email addresses.

Although you ultimately want to sell your services and products online, it can take time to build enough trust and credibil­ity to convince someone to work with you. And the best way to build this trust is to capture their contact details so you can nurture a relation­ship over time by staying in touch via email and providing value on a regular basis.

Truth is: if you don’t have a way to capture a visitor’s email address, chances are they’ll leave your site and never come back. You won’t know who they are nor will you be able to follow-up with them. Sadly, they might never return to your site or become your client and you’ve missed an opportunity to help them with your unique skills and services.


So here are 4 GREAT tips on how to make your website more client attractive

1. Know Who You Write For?

Why is it important?

By knowing who you are writing for, you’ll know what to write on your site. Thus, identifying your target market is essential for a successful website.

It is not really necessary to spend thousand on a web-designer to have the best looking website out there. More important is to ensure the content on your site gives value and engages your ideal clients long enough so they opt-in to your mailing list.

By knowing your market and understanding their needs, you can guide them with your words to gain an interest in learning more about you and what you have to offer.

2.      Prominently Display Your Irresistible Free Offer

Your free offer is what you give to visitors in exchange for their email addresses and it should be so irresistible that they won’t mind giving you their contact details.  This is how you get people on your mailing list so you can stay in touch with them.

Create an offer that has a clear and easily identifiable outcome and provide a specific solution to a problem your target audience experience. Then display it prominently on every page of your website.

You never know what page your visitor may enter your site. And since it is your #1 goal to capture their contact details, you want your free offer to be one of the first things they see.

3.      Structure Each Page of Your Site Around Your Goals

Each page on your site should have a specific goal. Think about what you want to achieve with every specific page.  In other words, do you want a page to build trust, educate your audience, inform them about something specific, sell a service or product, engage them and/or get some information from them?

Try to focus on only one specific goal per webpage as to not confuse your visitor with too many options. When you know what you want to achieve with that page, it will also be easier to create a specific call to action.

4.      Include a Specific “Call To Action” On Every Page.

Your ideal clients do not only want to read through your content. When they are intrigued by what they read, they usually want to know more and with a clear call to action, you can lead them through your site and guide them on what to do next. This is also how you train people to act on what you want them to do.

A call to action can be anything from asking them to: click here for more information, leave a comment, connect with me on social media, share this info, call me, sign up for my freebie, sign up for my programs, etc.

Engage them with the content and then invite them to take some sort of action.


Remember: Your website is a reflection of you and your message, online. Create your site with your ideal clients in mind and give attention to those things that can authentically compel your visitors to reach out for receiving more info from you.

Your Assignment for this week:

Review your website. Does it purposefully assist you with your efforts of marketing and getting more clients? On the hand of the 4 tips above – which one can you improve on to create a more client attractive website? Make some time in your schedule and then act on it.

To Your Success





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