women_arrow1People will only react to your marketing message when it is directed to them specifically.

Let’s look at this practically.

According to statistics, we receive on average anywhere from 200 – 3000 marketing messages on a daily basis. This can be via email, on TV, over the radio on billboards, in magazines etc. It is quite a lot when you think about it.

The question however is: Do you take note of ALL the marketing messages you receive?

No, off-course not.

But then, when DO you take notice of a commercial or ad?

The answer to that is obviously: When it speaks to you. When you have a specific need or problem or when you want something specific at that moment, you can’t help to listen when someone mentions they can help you with what you want or need. Then you are all ears. Right?

It’s just human – we are programed like that.

The truth is: if a marketing message you see or hear isn’t directed to your SPECIFIC needs at the time you are AWARE of your needs, your mind automatically filters out 99% of all those messages and you simply ignore it! You don’t take action on it.

So what does this mean to you if you want more clients? Or rather what does it mean if you are in the shoes of the clients? Well, hopefully you’ll agree that your ideal clients will probably be the same and only hear your message, but more importantly take action on your message, if you are talking to them and their specific needs.

Thus, for your marketing message to be heard and to get the response you want, it should be addressed to a specific audience who has a specific need you can solve.

I’m a visual learner and to get new ideas, I like to see how things work in practice. So here is a commercial of how a company, Duluth Trading effectively directed their marketing to a specific need of a specific target audience.

While you watch this funny commercial, see if you can identify the target audience as well as the needs it addresses.



Can you see how specific this marketing message is? If you work in an environment where you need strong pants, want to protect your legs or if you’ve ever encountered the sharp teeth of an angry beaver while working, you’ll be interested in getting a pair of these work pants, won’t you? So this is a great example of effective marketing that’s directed to a specific audience and a specific need they have.


So, what I want you to take away from this article is this:

To get more clients,  develop a marketing message that will resonate with your potential clients, ensure that it is very specific and addresses the needs / wants of your audience.

Identify the group of people you can serve best with what you do (your target audience). Then, step into their shoes and try to find out EXACTLY what they want and need so you can develop a message that speaks to them.

So, grab a pen and paper and go into as much detail as you can. Be sure you understand the exact problem you’re solving for your clients AND understand how to communicate it clearly to them.

To Your Success





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